Discipleship Pathway

The Discipleship Pathway is the map of the journey that we offer people into maturing apprenticeship to Jesus. It’s not a “menu” of options or programs, but a map into deeper discipleship. As you locate yourself in relation to “the way of Jesus” – exploring, experiencing, or embodying it – the Discipleship Pathway outlines what next steps you could take to increasingly be with Jesus, become like him, and learn to do what he did. There’s no single “right” journey or order through the Pathway, just an invitation to take a next step 

Explore the Way of Jesus

  • The front door to life at Soma – a primary place of encounter with Jesus and formation into a person of Christlike love.

  • A class for those new to faith and life with Jesus, introducing the essentials of what it means to be his disciple.

  • An open conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus – a place to bring your questions and thoughts without judgment or pressure.

Experience the Way of Jesus

  • Small to mid-sized communities where you’ll experience deep relationships to shape and sustain your discipleship to Jesus.

  • Work for the flourishing and renewal of our neighborhood, city, and the world through small acts of sacrificial service done with great love.

  • A training cohort for discipleship beyond the basics, teaching core principles, theology, and ethics from the way of Jesus.

Embody the Way of Jesus

  • A covenanted commitment for disciples of Jesus to be rooted in Soma Midtown as a spiritual family in Christ.

  • A cohort within the wider covenant membership who commit to going deeper in intentional community around Soma’s Rule of Life.