Missional Communities (MCs) are mid-sized groups that meet regularly to practically live out our vision as disciples who are learning to practice the way of Jesus together for the life of the world.
Practice the Way of Jesus Together
We are relational beings who are created for and by a relational God to flourish in the context of community. If you’d like to get involved in a Missional Community, fill out this form for next steps.
Our hope is that Missional Communities are places of deep friendship where people can be present to one another in such a way that everyone feels known and loved. They do so within these shared values:
• Creating a safe environment where everyone can feel known and loved
• Meeting regularly (at least 1-2 times/month) around a shared family meal
• Building rhythms that honor the unique opportunities and limitations of different personalities and seasons of life, including intentional seasons of rest & renewal
• Leading collaboratively with a diverse team of maturing disciples to Jesus