Welcome to
Soma Midtown
In a cultural moment where there a number of rival American “gospels” being preached both inside and outside of the church, we believe it’s critical that we clarify the gospel Jesus preached and center our church on this gospel message.
The gospel is the good news that God himself has come to rescue us from sin and to renew the world through the person and work of Jesus on our behalf, and to establish his kingdom through his people in the power of the Holy Spirit.To learn more about our mission, check out this teaching - The Gospel of The Kingdom.
This vision is a fusion of three historic streams: spiritual formation, communal loyalty, and missional presence. In the New Testament, “The Way” was shorthand for a powerful movement of beloved disciples who organized their lives around three priorities: being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did.
By living this way together in the power of the Holy Spirit these ordinary disciples turned their cities upside down, and it is our desire to see God do this renewing work again in us and our cities.
To learn more about our vision, check out this teaching - The Way of Formation.

Get Involved
A few simple ways to learn more about us and join us in practicing the Way of Jesus together for the life of the world.
Join us after each service on the 1st Sunday of the month to meet some of our team, learn about who we are, and take some next steps to get connected.
Follow our curated pathway to exploring, experiencing, and embodying the Way of Jesus.
Spiritual transformation into a person of love happens best within in the context of relationships ⎯ discover a community where you can practice the Way of Jesus together with others.
Join us in working for the flourishing and renewal of our neighborhood, city, and the world through small acts of sacrificial service done with great love.
Our Story
Soma Church was founded by Brandon and Emily Shields in 2011 with a small core team of people who had a vision to see the gospel change the city of Indianapolis. After several years of gathering in rented facilities, Soma purchased our current building in 2014 in the heart of the Broad Ripple neighborhood.
God has given us incredible opportunities to not only plant a church but to serve the city and the broader kingdom of God. Soma has helped plant 5 other churches, hosted citywide conversations on racial justice, helped our homeless neighbors find permanent housing with Pourhouse, provided holistic care for unaccompanied minors & refugees crossing our borders, opened up our homes to vulnerable children in the foster care system, and offered educational support & mentoring for our local high school, PPHS.
In 2015, Soma sent several dozen people to plant Soma Downtown on the near east side, followed by another sister church two years later on the northwest side (North City Church). This “family of neighborhood churches” is connected relationally, theologically, and missionally in a shared heart for the renewal of Indianapolis. We have also helped plant The District Church, Athens Church, and The Sanctuary Church.
Our Beliefs & Practices
To learn more about what we believe, see our Statements of Faith.
To learn more about how we practice what we believe, see our Rule of Life.