Rule of Life
A rule of life is a set of Spirit-empowered practices that help disciples abide in Jesus more deeply. For a given time, we commit to these core practices as individuals and communities within a body of Christ that is pursuing them together. The goal of a rule of life is to find a deeper sense of unity, joy, and flourishing in Jesus.
Our Community Rule of Life is composed of nine spiritual practices, rooted in the life of Jesus as seen in the Bible. These practices have shaped the lives of churches, communities, and countless Christians throughout history. With each practice, we invite the whole Soma family into baseline rhythms on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
If you're new to the concept of a rule of life, listen to this teaching to learn about its origins and how to craft your own rule of life -- ideally, one that you live out alongside spiritual friends and family.
We are becoming a community of rest in a culture of hurry and exhaustion through the practice of Sabbath.
Baseline Practice: A weekly Sabbath practice
We are becoming a community of peace and quiet in a culture of anxiety and noise through the practice of solitude.
Baseline Practice: A daily time in silence to begin or end your day
We are becoming a community of communion with God in a culture of distraction and escapism through the practice of prayer.
Baseline Practice: A rhythm of daily prayer
We are becoming a community of courageous fidelity to orthodoxy in a culture of idealogical compromise through a practice of Scripture.
Baseline Practice: A daily rhythm of meditating on and obeying Scripture
We are becoming a community of holiness in a culture of indulgence and immorality through the practice of fasting.
Baseline Practice: A weekly fast, sunrise to sundown
We are becoming a community of love and depth in a culture of individualism and superficiality through a practice of community.
Baseline Practice: A commitment to covenant membership, regular participation in a Soma community, and weekly worship on Sunday
*resources coming soon
We are becoming a community of contentment in a culture of consumerism through a practice of generosity.
Baseline Practice: Regularly giving away at least 10% of your income, with special attention to the poor and the local church
*resources coming soon
We are becoming a community of justice, mercy, and reconciliation in a culture of injustice and division through the practice of service.
Baseline Practice: A monthly act of service at a Sunday gathering and to the "quartet of the vulnerable" with the aim of kinship
*resources coming soon
We are becoming a community of hospitality in a culture of hostility through a practice of witness.
Baseline Practice: A monthly act of hospitality and regularly praying by name for one person in your life who doesn't know Jesus
*resources coming soon